Last august I embarked on a journey that I wasn’t sure I needed. I hired a trainer.
If I may, I would like to indulge a little about my experience.
I was aware, yet unaware of how badly I needed help.
Fitness and health were my thing. I’ve always been healthy, felt healthy could do hikes, mtb, etc. BUT my clothes started fitting different, I was going up sizes.
I was starting to feel uncomfortable in my skin.
I knew I wanted to feel different. I realized I needed help.
Thank god I didn’t have to look to far. Savannah @sav_tastic has already been in my feed.
Preaching healthy habits, consistency and reasonable goals. We spoke over the phone I signed up and in a few short weeks I was starting my 12 week program.
My skin was in the game and I was going to get the most out of it.
I followed the process.
Used the recommend grocery list and meal schedule 100% laid out for me. I literally couldn’t mess this up. I found time for gym at lunch breaks, after work or in the morning. I followed the prescribed routine.
Rinse wash repeat. For 12 weeks.
A crazy thing happened that I didn’t expect.
Once I turned my attention to taking care of myself fully, unhealthy things in OTHER areas of my life started falling away as well. A job I wasn’t happy with fell away only to be replaced with something better. More healthy romantic relationships came into my life.
It was truly the best part of stepping into this journey. Bettering myself in one aspect of my life, influenced all the others.
So why write this now?
The 12 weeks have come and gone. The result have continued! That is what was so impressive.
With help, I was able to make changes in my life that I am able to continually build upon, which is absolutely fantastic.
Thank you Savannah @sav_tastic I am so beyond impressed with your consistency, demeanor and result providing program.
You are an absolute joy to work with and inspiration to watch. Keep crushing it! I finally feel in control over my body and health.
~ Michelle